Environmental Commitments

Our Mission

“At Integrity Communications Group we are privileged to live and work in a beautiful part of the country. We are committed to creating sustainable jobs, reducing our environmental impacts and making a positive contribution to our community.” Mark Cornford CEO.

At ICG we prioritise environmental sustainability in every aspect of our operations. We adhere to ISO14001 standards, ensuring our environmental management is robust and effective. In addition, ICG has committed to achieving Carbon Net Zero by 2035.

We operate an ethical procurement policy to ensure we can demonstrate Chain of Custody in our material supply chain and use FSC-certified papers.

This commitment throughout the business aligns with the growing demand to deliver sustainable and environmentally friendly communications and to position the Integrity Communications Group as an industry leader in our sector.

The ICG will continue to maintain its position as an innovative and agile business at the leading edge of delivering critical communication, while ensuring we do not compromise our environmental credentials and commitment to sustainability.

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Net Zero

Carbon Net Zero

To enable Integrity Communications Group to achieve the commitment to Carbon Net Zero by 2035, the ICG has partnered with Auditel, one of the UK’s leading Carbon Solutions companies. Auditel provides the tools to look at all aspects of our operations and supply chain to understand our environmental impacts.

Working with Auditel, we have made good progress in measuring our emissions across the Group and will be in a position to publish our Carbon Reduction Plan early in 2024.

All of the Group businesses are contributing to the overall sustainability ambitions. By measuring,  monitoring and reporting against our combined targets we can utilise this information to make the most impactful changes as an organisation.

Environmental Initiatives

ICG have been accredited to ISO14001 since 2008 and have fostered a culture of targeted improvements to ensure that the accreditation to environmental standards is not just a tick in the box exercise.

Environmental goals and objectives are set at senior level and then monitored and measured to ensure progress. As an example, the Group were sending 330 tonnes of waste to landfill every year in 2008. While turnover has grown, we achieved our “zero to landfill” objective in 2019.

Another strategic goal was to source all energy consumed by the Group from renewable sources. This goal was achieved in November 2022. ICG plays a leading role in the South West Waste Minimisation Group and will continue to work with suppliers, community partners and customers to deliver long term environmental benefits and set ourselves challenging sustainability targets.

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The Future Of Cyber Security

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ICG 2024 Round-Up

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A Tree of Integrity: A Unique Christmas Celebration

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