Mark Wills Completes Sponsored Duathlon

Mark Wills

Integrity Communications Group (ICG) proudly sponsored Mark Wills, who competed in the European Sprint Duathlon Championships in Coimbra, Portugal earlier this June. Despite a major setback just a week before the event, Mark displayed incredible resilience and mental toughness to complete the race.

Mark’s race time was an impressive 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 48 seconds, which included a 19:51 first 5k run, a 34:47 20k bike ride, and a 10:38 2.5k run. The scenic course and fierce competition set the stage for an exhilarating event, and Mark’s performance did not disappoint.

However, what makes Mark’s achievement truly extraordinary is the fact that just a week prior, he suffered a severe crash during training. The accident left him with severe bruising, deep tissue damage to his back and hip, and a potentially cracked rib. With agonising pain, difficulty breathing, and struggling to sleep, Mark’s prospects for the race seemed bleak.

Determined not to give up, Mark sought the help of a physiotherapist and relied on anti-inflammatories and painkillers. Two days before the race, he attempted a run but could barely manage a 9-minute mile, far from his goal of 5:30-minute miles. Despite this, Mark’s spirit remained unbroken.

On race day, the adrenaline and competitive atmosphere worked in his favour. Mark managed to push through the pain and completed the race, running 6:20-minute miles—an incredible feat. His primary goals were to finish the event and avoid being last in his age group, both of which he happily achieved.

We at Integrity Communications Group wish to congratulate Mark on his success.

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